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Batterie, Guitare basse.


Contactez-nous si vous avez le projet de rejoindre un groupe de metal sérieux.

Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/saviormetalband/

"If you are angry, you are not alone."

In an age where monotony overshadows art, and numbness suppresses raw emotion, Savior emerges as a balefire, guiding us back to genuine human depth and authenticity. Beyond a confluence of fast notes and intense lyrics—the music is a visceral reckoning.

The world has been swathed in layers of pretense and safety, where many have forgotten the power of raw intensity and emotion. Savior challenges this status quo, pushing boundaries and questioning our numb complacency.

M.L.H.'s vocals are a raucous reflection of a journey through psychosis, delivering unfiltered accounts from the very precipice of human despair and rage. Neural Blade's guitar work is a manifestation of the unyielding power of fast, supermassive riffing. Together, this French-American duo breaks the chains of the insipid, breathing life back into a dull, rigged post-pandemic society.

"Evil Rising,” the band’s first single, is a window into a soul grappling with its darkest shadows. It speaks to those moments when anger blurs the line between sanity and madness, and the world turns starkly black and white. Our darkest emotions are a crucial part of the human experience, they must be confronted.

Each line penned by M.L.H. is a harrowing recount of the anger and violence that once consumed him—a journey many silently endure but seldom voice. Through "Evil Rising", Savior grants us the license to confront our own demons, to stand face-to-face with our most potent emotions without judgment or fear.

But beyond the raw, powerful riffs and heavy drumbeats, Savior's mission is evident—to awaken a world lulled into passive acceptance. Through their art, they challenge us: dare to feel, dare to rebel, and dare to save ourselves from the shackles of the mundane.

With this debut, Savior doesn't just offer us a song; they give us a movement—a call to rise above the safety of the ordinary and rediscover the raw, undiluted essence of life and art.

In their resistance to the norm, Savior embarks on a journey to preserve the sanctity of metal and to remind us all of the fierce, burning power of true emotion. Embrace the chaos, for in it lies salvation.

Membre depuis:
Octobre 26 2023
Actif depuis plus d’un mois
Engagement et motivation:
Très impliqué
Années d’expérience dans la musique:


Slayer, Slipknot, Pantera, Testament, Lamb of God

Expérience de l'instrument:

Guitare rythmique:
Guitare solo:


Matériel d'enregistrement, guitares metal, Martin D-28 de 1982 (acoustique)